Saturday, November 15, 2008

Places available

We have a couple of places left in Petrina's class 22nd November, 10am.

Petrina is becoming a regular contributer to the scrapbooking magazines and has kindly offered her time to pass on some of her amazing talent to the scrapbookers of Bundaberg.

If you would like to learn from a enormously talented scrapper without the cost of going to Brisbane then you have to book in today and do a class with Petrina at The Creative Artz Cottage.

Check out the article featuring Petrina in this months Scrapbook Creations with a great photo of Petrina & Cassie and Helen Costar is in there as well, beaming in her gorgeous pimped pink bra.

Congratulations ladies, you're famous now.

1 comment:

*** Kylie*** said...

Petrina's class was AWESOME!! and now I am addicted to glimmer mist and the H2O's. :) Thanks guys!